Am I expected to give money?
At TGS, the support of the ministries comes from the generous and cheerful giving from the people. If you wish to help contribute to the work we do in God’s name, please consider giving electronically and automatically using the banking information below.
In the church foyer there is a ‘Financial Giving Booklet’ that gives further explanation.
Why We Give
As God has been gracious and generous to us (2 Cor 8:9) and did not spare His only Son to purchase our salvation, we should be like Him and give to Word-based ministries as best we are able. We give priority to Word-based ministries because we want people to hear the gospel and not just get temporary relief. We also know that only Christians will support such ministry and that it will last when all else fades away.
More Information
For more information about giving at TGS, please contact the office.
How to give
Bank Anglican Financial Services
Account Name The Good Shepherd Anglican Church
BSB 704 901
Account 000 10 490