The Good Shepherd Church facilities are available for baptisms, weddings, and funerals. For more information, contact us.
Baptisms are usually conducted during the 9:00 service. This enables the whole congregation to witness the public promises of the parents and godparents before God, and to join together in praying for your family.
Those interested in talking more about a baptism are encouraged to attend the 9:00 service and speak with our Minister. From there, we will talk with you about the options that may be available to you depending on your individual circumstances. It is important that the family is serious about fulfilling the promises made in baptism.
It is also possible for us to conduct a thanksgiving service for your child. This option is becoming increasingly popular for many.
What is Baptism?
Baptism is an occasion where parents re-affirm their ongoing commitment to the Lord Jesus and make public promises regarding their child. An important part of its power is the power of the prayers of the congregation for the child and the family.
A thanksgiving service is a time of giving thanks to God for the blessing of your child.
We look forward to the opportunity of helping you think more about baptism.