‘Creche’ – birth-18 months

The Good Shepherd provides a crèche room during the 9:00 Sunday service, for families to use to care for infants and children younger than ‘kindy’ age. The service is streamed to this room.

‘Tiny Tots’ – from 18 months / ‘Splash’ – Prep to Grade 2 / ‘Xstream’ – Grades 3-6

Children’s church is run as part of the 9:00 Sunday service. The 15-20 children (or the carers of Tiny Tots!) who take part each week feel very much that The Good Shepherd belongs to them as much as the adults! They have a great time both learning about Jesus and being with their friends.

We provide 2 groups with consistent leadership throughout the year, with separate term time and school holiday programs. Activities each week include craft, drama, singing and stories, to help children better understand God’s plan for their lives, and his love for them shown especially in his Son Jesus Christ.

The Good Shepherd Online

Now streaming every Sunday at 9:00am

The Good Shepherd Online

Now streaming every
Sunday at 9.00am