We would love to introduce you to the one person who has changed our lives forever. His name is Jesus and he has promised to give you life to the full. He has transformed the lives of millions of people over the last 2,000 years.
Jesus claims to be God and acts consistently with that claim. The many eye witnesses who saw Jesus speak and perform miracles during his life were so impressed that they left everything to follow him. The same group were so certain that he appeared to them after he rose from the dead that they were prepared to die for their testimony.
We are not interested in blind faith. We base our trust in Jesus on solid evidence. There are only four options with Jesus. He is either Lord, Lunatic, Liar or a Legend. If you would like to investigate the claim that Jesus is Lord then we would love you to attend a Truth Explored course. We believe there is no such thing as a dumb question! Everyone is welcome, no matter what age, background, or religion. To book, contact the TGS office on 07 4053 2019